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How DOTS connect ! 5 July 2022



It's almost 10.24 PM, put my kids into bed, a routine task which today took almost 1.5 hours. Talked to sister, ate some junk and decided to write this here.

Something I decided this morning, that each day this month, I will be writing here, anything and everything about running a business and being a mommy of two boys; and also trying to live a life. 

I have always loved writing, there is no better way I can express my feelings than writing my heart out. Almost a decade back and much much before that, I used to actively blog, had a close group of bloggers who used to almost know each other's life inside out without even meeting each other or sometimes without knowing real names.

As someone who lives a life in open because of my work here, at the back of my mind, I always feared about being judged. Feared about giving too much information. Feared about if people saw faults in me, they would somehow relate it to faults in my work etc etc. But this year, I am committed to come over all those feelings that pull me down, hence this blog :).

When we are talking about blogging, let me share you a story. How dots in the life connect. How blogging got me here, where I am today. Because in an alter universe, Klingaru started as a result of me blogging since I was a teen. 

So like I mentioned I used to actively blog, it started when I was in college and continued even after motherhood. 

One of my early blogs as a new mother was about how overwhelming it is to change nappies of a newborn - one thing no one mentions about during your pregnancy prep. During early days, I felt my job 24 hours was to feed, change and repeat, which I am sure all mothers feel but just that, I wasn't prepared for it.

One of my regular readers with blogger name Parakram, commented to explore this xyz facebook group about Cloth Diapers, that was my first encounter with any sort of parenting Facebook group. 

And rest is here in front of you - one FB group led me to another, and another and another. I explored about ergonomic baby carriers, started with a Baby Carriers Marketplace, got into manufacturing, diverted into clothing and here we are. Klingaru growing into this beautiful potential brand, I did not even dream about. 

So yes, it still surprises me to see how that one comment led me here. Like they say your every action is being accounted somewhere !

In some of my next post, let me share about all the concepts, I explored as a active participant of FACEBOOK GROUPS :) 

Good Night, 

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